Monday, December 2, 2013

Wa'apa Build - Part 23 (finishing the glass, graphite coating)

Been a long while since last update. I've been a combination of busy and lazy, neither of which is conducive to large amounts of progress...

With the glass layed and cured it was time to finish it off..filling the weave and such.

The corners were rounded to allow the cloth to lie down, and needed to be built back up. I used a mix of wood flour and graphite to make a thick batch of epoxy to build the edges up. 

When that cured I then sanded it to a nice fair and sharp edge again..but seem to have misplaced that picture...

With that done I then used a thin graphite / epoxy mix to finish filling the weave and coating the bottom.

Looks really good I think. One more coat and some wet sanding will really finish it off...but I'll wait until I'm further along and done banging it around so much...

On to some more interesting bits...and quicker progress I hope!