Blanks for yard and boom, to be scarfed to length..
Scarf taper marked, doing a 12:1 scarf on these..
Start making cuts down close to the line.
Chisel and hammer clear most of the waste very quickly.
Then finished up nice with block and jack plane.
Came out very good...phew...
Faces primed with a couple coats of unthickened epoxy in prep for gluing up.
Then buttered up with thickened epoxy and clamped together.
I've added another strip of wood to bottom of boom to increase its height and stiffness a bit.

Another scarf...
And laminated onto the boom...
With everything scarfed up and laminated I proceeded to tapering the yard and boom...
Marking tapers with batten...
Tapers all planed and cleaning up...lots and lots of shavings...
Boom and yard all tapered, edges rounded, and cleaned up...ready for final finishings..
Plans call for yard to be completed rounded, but I'm worried about it being too flexible since I'm using cheap pine rather than douglas fir or spruce like plans recommend. For now I just gave the edges a 1/4 inch round over. Can easily round it more later if it proves to be too stiff...
Glue lines look good...
With yard and boom mostly completely, got started on the mast. Mast will be a simple hollow box section.
Some assembly required...
8:1 scarfs on the wide mast staves
Drill small holes and insert piece of stiff wire to keep pieces from moving around.
Then prepped and glued up...
To be continued...