Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wa'apa Build - Part 22 (Glassing the hull)

With a couple hours here and there I've managed to get the glass on the hull, and thankfully without messing it up!

I used 50 inch wide 6 oz cloth, which I cut lengthwise down the middle to get two pieces, one for each half hull. The roughly 25 inch wide lengths are wide enough to allow covering the bottom with 4 inch overlap up the sides.

I marked 4 inches up the sides at regular intervals, and then ran some masking tape along those marks.

Then I draped and smoothed the cloth, and cut the excess from the front.

The cut offs to be used for glassing the middle bulkhead seams.

Area masked off and piece of cloth fitted.

Then wet out

Once it got a little rubbery I cut along the edge of the tape and pulled off the excess.

Then did the same thing along the sides.

Once those cured I carefully sanded along the edges to make a smooth transition for overlapping the cloth for the as not to have a big bump. Then came the big job of doing the bottom.

All wet out...

And excess cut off once it cured a little bit rubbery.

Still have to fill the weave and do the other half hull as well, but so far so good!

1 comment:

  1. Did you have any problems getting the fiberglass to go smoothly over the hard edge chine? Facing doing that now myself
