Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wa'apa Build - Part 11 (Two halves and a lug?)

The other half of main hull is now glued up and with the bottom on and everything is looking good.
I used a bathroom scale to get a rough weight measure. They come in at around 25 pounds each so far. Not bad so far, but obviously they are far from finished...

On the subjects of rigs...

I like the look of the rig specified for the Wa'apa, and it seems it also performs quite well. It seems to have limited reefing options though, which has me pondering other rigs. However, most rigs require some knowledge to design and make so they actually perform well.

I like the look of and apparent ease of use and reefing of the junk rigs, and there are lots of templates and info about that I think even an amateur such as myself could get something reasonable together. However a junk needs several stiff battens, seems to need a fair bit of rope, blocks, and other hardware and materials that would really eat up the budget I'm trying to stay close to. So I think a junk rig will have to wait; maybe when I extend to 24' some time in the future...

However, I do have the ozracer/pdracer plans from Michael Storer, including plans for building the balanced lug rig option. So I spent some time sketching that rig on the Wa'apa in 3d and 2d, to get a feel for how it might look and fit.

I must say I do like the look of it, and it seems like it could be made to fit well. One draw back of course, is it's much larger than that specified in the plans; ~90sqf compared to 54sqf. Of course it has several reef points; the first of which gets close the original 54sqf size, and another even smaller yet. So maybe it would be ok if the full sail is just reserved for lighter winds and/or another person aboard to help as ballast...hmm.

I'll have to ping Gary Dierking and see if I can get his thoughts...


  1. I think you'd be happy with the lug you've shown. Having a rig that's easy to reef allows you to start with something bigger and if you have a lot of light winds, you'll be happier with this one.

  2. Hi Gary, thanks for the feedback. I think I'll go ahead and use that rig then. Weather here can vary and often change quickly so it'd be nice to have some options I think.

  3. Hi Jacob,

    I purchased a 62 sq ft lug sail from CLC for my 16' Wa'apa. It is GREAT. There were a few times when I felt under canvassed, but in most weather folks would consider good for sailing, it was PLENTY!

    You can see some pics here

    Nice build,

    1. Hey Chris,

      Your Wa'apa and lug look great, thanks for the info and link!
